近藤恵三子 Emiko Kondo

陶芸家 近藤精宏・染織家 記代の長女として自然豊かな里山で育つ。幼少時代両親が陶芸家として岐阜県瑞浪市にて独立、両親が忙しい為 友達は自然達。空に広がる雲や木々たちをいつも眺めていた。高校時代は柔道に明け暮れ(柔道2段)、卒業後 父のすすめで日本画の道へ。名古屋造形芸術短期大学日本画科卒業。画家 横井照子氏に影響され、日本画家 故八神信勝氏 伊藤はるみ氏に指導を受ける。 アジア、ヨーロッパやオセアニア、アメリカなど旅する。旅を通し、日本の魅力に改めて気づき、日本人であることが個性なのだと、日本画の世界を追求する日々。名古屋松坂屋にて個展(`08・‘11・‘14)他 東京・大阪・新潟・福島などで個展、親子展、音楽家や他分野とのコラボ展、病院・施設などでの発表。幼少時代から身の回りにあった、自然達を題材に生きる喜びをテーマに作品を生み続けている。日本の魅力を伝えるべく、子どもたちにつなぐ日本文化の会、NPO瑞浪芸術館理事・茅葺き保存活動を行う。


Emiko Kondo 

My father is a potter and my mother is a dyer. I was born and grown up in a countryside. When I was a child, my friends were nature. I liked to look at flowers and trees around me and clouds in the sky. got lost in judo when I was a high school student. After that, I began to draw Japanese painting which is called nihonga in japanese. I learned the basics of Japanese painting at Nagoya Zokei College of Art & Design.I was influenced by Teruko Yokoi who is a Japanese painter living in Switzerland and received guidance from Nobukatsu Yagami and Harumi Ito.After 10 years of studying Japanese painting, I traveled to Europe, Oceaia and America. Through the travel, I was reminded of the attraction of Japan.I came back to Japan and have produced works with the theme of nature and joy of life. I have held many painting exhibitions around Japan.I’m preparing a plan to introduce Japanese painting and Japanese culture overseas. I would like people in other countries to take Japanese culture in their lives.